Orphanbiotec | Impact
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Impact   Some pharmaceutical companies are able to innovate for new therapies for rare diseases. But most of the orphan drugs are to costly and insurances / payer are not willing to pay for them any more. Some companies are willing to realy help people with rare diseases. For those affected, we develop innovative and affordable Orphan Drugs to increase their quality of life.

For that reason we developed an new and awarded hybrid business model.

There are over 7,000 rare diseases and about 30 million sufferers in the EU alone. Once it is proven, a basic technology can be the starting point for a variety of diseases in this area, as well. Orphanbiotec AG wants to position itself in this previously neglected constellation and lucrative market niche with our new business model. This model reduces the risk of obtaining a marketable product by using established active substances, pre-financing by the associated Foundation Orphanhealthcare, and the early involvement of patient organizations. Professional management, cooperation with renowned development partners and the outsourcing of production and sales keep fixed costs low. Through close interaction with the patient programs of the Foundation, Orphanbiotec AG chooses an unconventional, low-cost, reliable and very effective distribution channel with partner.

Read more about our Business Model and Strategy (click here)